Plainsong Farm is a non-profit organization founded in 2015 with a mission of restoring the connections between people, places and God. Our areas of work include regenerative agricultural practices, immersive farm-based education, and national faith-based leadership initiatives. Headquartered in Rockford, Michigan on a twelve-acre property with two residential buildings and a historic dairy barn, we are a working farm with a mission that encompasses both environmental and religious programs.

Plainsong Farm Fellowship Program

What is your farm’s philosophy?

Plainsong Farm is committed to regenerative principles and practices that improve soils and watersheds, increase biodiversity, and enhance ecosystem services. As a community-based farm, we aim to partner with neighbors and local organizations to develop a robust, resilient, and accessible local food economy.

What do you raise or grow?

Plainsong Farm grows a wide array of produce for our CSA and local markets as well as offers herbs and vegetable seedlings at our yearly plant sale. Beyond food products, the farm provides farm-based educational opportunities to the public.

Where can we find your products?:

Check out our website to find information about our CSA, educational programs and events, and where to find our products throughout the community. 

What would you say are your biggest challenges currently?:

The biggest challenge Plainsong Farm currently has, with regard to the farming operation, is making the farm more labor efficient. Market gardening/farming can be very labor intensive and this plays a huge role in our financial sustainability and the overall physical wellbeing of our farmers. We are continually looking for ways to lean-up our systems so our labor inputs have the greatest impact.

What are you looking forward to in the season/s to come?

Plainsong Farm is looking forward to growing on less space, trying to grow better and not bigger. We are therefore reducing the square footage we grow on this season and focusing on produce customers most enjoy and that best fit best our growing systems.

What do you want consumers to know about you?:

Plainsong Farm provides many products and experiences beyond our CSA. The Farm has different educational and service/learning opportunities for all ages. We assist individuals and families, local schools, church groups, and community organizations to develop a better understanding and appreciation for food, farming, and the natural world.  

Plainsong Farm

Why are you a member of the WM Growers Group?:

The best way to create a robust and resilient local food economy is to have successful and well supported local farms. WM Growers Group is focused on making this a reality and Plainsong Farm is excited to be apart of that mission. Additionally, a collaborative group of growers helps member farms learn from each other's successes and failures, creating an atmosphere of continual learning and sharing. Lastly, the group has the best potlucks around.

What is your favorite farm tool?: 

The Vermont Harvest Cart. We have used this thing for everything under the sun - planting, harvesting, spreading compost, moving sandbags, and so much more. It is simple yet extremely durable for what we put it through. It is hard to beat the ability of the "wheel", so a well-built cart is always a must for the farm. 

Plainsong Farm is a non-profit CSA farm offering a diverse selection of vegetables, fruit, meat, and eggs to the West MI area. In addition to providing shares to CSA members, the farm provides produce/shares to our local food pantries through the generous donations of CSA, Church, and community members.

Leah Sienkowski