5213 Roosevelt St
Coopersville, MI 49404
Phone: (616) 606-0220

Blackbird Farms grows good, honest food using only natural and sustainable practices, with a sense of hospitality, delight, and gratitude. In other words: Welcome. Enjoy. Thank you.

Blackbird Farms produces vegetables, eggs, and flowers.

CSA Information

CSA Type: Vegetable
Total Number of CSA Shares: 60
CSA Timeframe: June – October

Growing Practices: Our produce is Certified Naturally Grown, so you can be confident that we use no synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides, and no GMOs. Our growing practices attend to the health of the land we steward and the people we serve.

CSA Pick Up Locations and Times:
On Farm – 5213 Roosevelt Street, Coopersville, MI
Thursdays 5:00-7:00pm

Living Stones Academy – 1415 Lyon NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Wednesdays 4:30-5:30pm

Farmers Markets: Sweetwater Farmers Market

Visit Blackbird Farms’s Website

Leah Sienkowski