4601 Johnson Road
Middleville, MI

Named for the pair of sand hill cranes that make this farm their home, Crane Dance Farm had her humble beginnings in 1996 when we purchased the 1867 farmstead with broken down buildings and just 5 acres. Buying the farm was the first step to a big dream: creating a humane livestock farm that produced super nutritious food for people while regenerating the earth.

That first year we bumped into a sustainable beekeeper who asked if he could put hives on our farm. Yes, we sell honey! In 2000 we began marketing our products at the Fulton St. Farmers Market. In 2010, we were the first farm in Michigan to be Animal Welfare Certified for our pasture grown pigs and heritage chicken eggs. We are also certified for our 100% grassfed beef. We have never used GMO’s, or any pesticides. Today, we manage around 200 acres of pasture and hay land, and breeding herds of cattle, pigs and sheep.

Farm Philosophy
In Eastern philosophy, the dance of the cranes represents the joy of life. As a humane farm, we want to make sure all of our animals experience that joy of living the life nature intended – outside, on grass with space, fresh air and sunshine.

What do you raise/grow?
Animal Welfare Approved, certified by A Greener World, GMO-free: pasture grown pork, 100% grassfed beef, heritage breed chicken eggs; Also, pure, unfiltered raw honey, pasture grown turkeys and chickens (seasonally), and 100% grassfed lamb.

Where can we find your products?
Fulton Street Farmers Market on Saturday mornings all year
Holland Farmers Market on Saturday mornings all year
On farm, Fridays 4-6 or by appointment

What would you say are your biggest challenges currently?
Climate change and how it affects our pastures and livestock.

What are you looking forward to in the season/s to come?
We love farming and interacting with our customers. Together, we are making a difference, one meal at a time.

What do you want consumers to know about you?
We are who we say we are; we do what we say we do.

Why are you a member of the WM Growers Group?
We believe it is vitally important to connect with our other regenerative small farms in the area. We need each other and are stronger together.

What is your favorite farm tool?
Without a doubt, our 2011 85 hp Mahindra loader tractor, Sierra. She’s a beast. We could not do this without her!